For 70 children living at Bondulu Toboh Centre in. Tambunan, Chinese New Year came early when a group from Diriwan Corporation Sdn Bhd visited them last week. Leading the group was Assistant General Manager Yu Yet Shan who presented foodstuff and red packets to the underprivileged children at the centre. The foodstuff was handed over to Sister Rose Ginibun, the hostel administrator. Yu said the project is part of the company’s community project to help the unfortunate people. Also present at the event were the company’s commercial manager, Donny Kong, and Diriwan ambassador Miss Emily Ng. Apart from visiting the children’s home in Tambunan, the group also visited the Cheshire’s Home in Sandakan. The foodstuff was handed over to Miss Jennifer Liew, the officer-in-charge. There are 23 residents at the centre.