The police have assured the safety of Pulau Gaya residents by conducting regular patrol at the island. OCPD Sofi Haji Zakaria told the residents during a dialogue session on Saturday that the police were patrolling the island, either in uniforms or plainclothes. “What is important is for you and others here to know that the security of this island and any vice activities are under control,” he said. The residents have voiced out their concern for their safety and requested for a police station to Putatan Member of Parliament Datuk Dr Marcus Makin Mojigoh during the dialogue session at the village’s community hail. Sofi urged the residents to take care of their children and not to let them get involved in drug, crime and vice activities. “It is every parent’s responsibility to watch or take care of their children so that they would not land themselves in any criminal activities. “However, should any youngsters get involved in any criminal activities, it is our duty to take action,” he said when responding to a village committee member’s concern over the safety of their children and youngsters on the island. “However, anyone who knows of any criminal activities on the island or in the communities and wish to report the cases confidentially could see me in my office,” he added. On the request for a police station, Sofi said he would raise the matter to the authority concerned. “The marine police are active here and you need to co-operate with them to track down any criminal activities,” he pointed out. Fisheries Development Board of Malaysia board of director member Arsit Haji Sedi, who was also present at the dialogue, said fishermen in Pulau Gaya are given various opportunities to increase their socio-economy. He urged the residents of the island to take advantage of the opportunities to improve on their economic development and be more competitive in their approach to upgrade their economy. Arsit added that an aquaculture venture with financial assistance was one of the opportunities that they could take advantage of. “The organization also provides financial assistance to purchase boat engines,” he said, adding the fishermen also enjoy diesel subsidy. Arsit added that the board would also discuss with a bank to relax certain loan requirements specially for fishermen. Several village leaders, including the committee members of the Village Development and Security Committee of the island, attended the dialogue.