A frequent user of Luyang road has complained about rampant queue jumping, especially along the stretch from Jalan Kolam to the Lintas intersection. Din said pedestrians were exposing themselves to danger as the errant motorists were using the emergency lane to beat the serious traffic jam there during peak hours, especially in the evening. These motorists are often speeding along the emergency lane and could hit the pedestrians walking at the roadside, he said. The action of these motorists is also giving unfairness to those who are caught in the jam. The authorities should take action against these motorists, Din pointed out “recently, an accident almost happened when a Kancil driven by a young man jumped queue without giving due concern to other motorists’ safety. He drove his vehicle dangerously and acted like he owns the road, The young man’s antic shocked and caused fear to the other drivers,” he added. A spokesman for the city traffic police said the various authorities, including the Road Transport Department, were monitoring the situation and those caught for jumping queue and using the emergency lane would be compounded.